Category Archives: prayer request

Words that won’t come


The homeschooling community is so small and intimate, when compared to the population of the world.  And of that homeschooling community, the people that identify themselves as unschoolers?   A mere fraction.  Unless you quite deliberately keep your family isolated, you’ll at least know of other unschoolers, all around the world.  You’ll recognize their names, and you’ll learn their stories.  You’ll make connections that are in many cases lifelong.

Perhaps the smallest group of all is the Christian unschoolers.   Most Christians who choose to homeschool take a decidedly opposite approach, and most unschoolers… well, suffice it to say that we’re a small lot indeed.  To break it down even further, there’s an even tinier fraction of that group….  the Christian unschoolers who embrace the lifestyle of a “radical” unschooler.  These women, the ones that share my belief in both following Christ and living and learning in freedom:  They’re not my friends.  They’re my sisters.

One such sister, Lauren of Sparkling Adventures, is in pain after the sudden loss of her beautiful 7 month old son, Elijah.  I have tried for days to write a post about it, but the words just wouldn’t come.   Are there even any words to say?  What kind of words could capture such a devastating tragedy without sounding like hollow platitudes?  What kinds of words could even begin to do justice and pay respect to what this family is now going through, and will continue to go through?

What I finally decided is that there are no words…  only Love.  Prayers.  Compassion.  Shared grief.  My heart is broken for my dear sister, and for her four little girls who are suddenly without their baby brother.

Lauren was, and continues to be, an inspiration.  In her own words, from just a couple of days ago:

“Now I will learn how to comfort those who have lost a child, I will learn how to love those who have family in jail, I will learn how to be a single parent and I will learn how to love the people around me who are well-meaning but not comfortable with our lifestyle.

These are huge areas in which I will be stretched and growing in grace and love, and I embrace the opportunity to grow in Christlikeness, however painful it may seem at this time.

Know this: God is good. All the time. Of this, I am convinced.”

If you’d like to help this family in a financial way (their needs right now are great) please click on the image to find out how you can contribute.


To Lauren, you are so loved.  You have many thinking of you, praying for you,  and lifting you up… from all around the world.


Filed under friends, passings, prayer request, unschooling

More Than the Super Bowl

Superbowl 2011

Today was the Superbowl, which meant we bought a bunch of food we only have on our special “carpet picnic” occasions, we put a sheet on the floor, and we all gathered in the TV room to watch a bunch of yellow-pantsed people play football.

There was a penalty for “excessive celebrating”. There was a half-time show.  Someone won. 

But tonight I’m really not thinking about the Superbowl.  Tonight, especially as I look at the above picture of four healthy children, I am thinking about Hunter Jones, Kate McRae, and Hannah Jenner.

Hunter Jones is a little boy the same age as my Everett, who is battling leukemia.  His sister donated bone marrow, and he had a transplant in November of 2010.  I don’t know Hunter, but his mom is a fellow unschooling mom, and I think she’s pretty awesome.   Hunter is on my mind often, especially since he’s a Lego lover like my boys (and there is always a Lego in my line of sight).  How can you help?  You can pray.  You can like his Facebook page, you can offer his family support on their blog, and you can help support their family business by buying some of their raw, vegan Ridiculous Chocolate.

Kate McRae is local girl here in the valley, who is battling brain cancer.  Her parents have recently received some very discouraging news, and are still continuing to show myself and countless others what it means to truly have faith in even the most difficult circumstances.  Kate is never far from my thoughts either.  You can follow Kate’s progress at her CaringBridge site, and more specifically, tomorrow you can join others in a day of fasting and prayer for her healing.  You can visit her father’s blog to read his request.

Hannah Jenner was an always unschooled 9 year old who passed away from leukemia 5 years ago this month.   I first heard Hannah’s story when her mother spoke at the Live and Learn conference we went to in September, 2006.  Even now, five years later, I often think about lessons she’s taught me… lessons about treating my children with kindness, about not taking them for granted, about enjoying the moments we’re together.  All the moments.  It was from the Jenners that I heard about celebrating half birthdays, something that we now do every year, for all of us.  And I think about Hannah every time.  This month, I’m thinking about her even more, especially these words from her obituary:

In lieu of flowers, the family requests outpourings of love and tender regard to every child, and gratitude on the part of parents of living children …everywhere.

Tonight as I pray for these children, I also want to say thank you to all of the above families, for so openly and bravely sharing your stories, and your children, with all of us.  


Filed under prayer request

Kate McRae

I don’t know Kate McRae, but she has occupied much of my thoughts and prayers the past several days. She is a beautiful five year old friend of a friend here in Phoenix, who is currently battling a brain tumor. Please, take a minute to say a prayer for Kate and her family, and for all the kids and parents who are facing such difficult paths. And hug your children extra tight.

A Video Message from Kate’s Parents

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Filed under prayer request