Category Archives: simplifying

Letting Go

I’ve decided, again, that I need to do some letting go. Not of the past, or of the stress of the toxic and negative people in my life (though of course, those are worthwhile pursuits of their own) but of the little things, and of the pressure I put on MYSELF.

Like lots of people, I have a to-do list that doesn’t end. While I love the feeling of crossing things off my lists, I do not like the feeling that at times life has actually become nothing more than a giant to-do list. Housekeeping lists, lists of assignments for my classes, lists of playdates and practices and appointments for the kids, lists of projects I want to do, stuff to research, things I want to blog about, emails to answer, bills to pay…. surely something is off-balance there! Life is to be enjoyed and savored, not just broken down into a series of tasks to check off a list.

One week ago today, we took Tegan to the zoo to celebrate her birthday. It’s been on my list of things to blog about, because she had such a great time, and I got some really cool pictures. But I haven’t had time to do it, and it still remains on my to-do list… and it’s stressing me out. Which is CRAZY, because I love to blog, and something’s way wrong if I allow it to become a source of stress. Life is filled with enough things that we have to do, without adding silly self-imposed deadlines to the list. So, there will be no blog about the zoo. We went, we enjoyed, I took some pictures. 😉

There, I’m crossing it off my list. And life will go on.

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Filed under life, simplifying

Out With the Old

A few posts ago I shared a picture of Tegan’s new stroller. This kitchen is another favorite. I adore this kitchen! Tegan got a few beautiful sets of wooden food, a lovely tea set made from recycled plastic, and some pots, pans, and utensils. Which meant that the kitchen was fully stocked, and we could finally get rid of the big, yucky and cracked plastic bin that was filled to overflowing with old plastic food… food that was lovingly played with for a long time, and that was worn, dirty, and otherwise cast aside. Everett went through it this weekend, picked out the few pieces he wanted to hang onto, and the rest found a new home in our recycle bin, plastic tub and all. Everything they’re left with fits wonderfully in the kitchen, with plenty of room to organize it however they’d like. I love it.

Few things give me such a natural high as getting rid of any sort of clutter! That one simple act has inspired me once again to continue the progress in the rest of the house.

In other current news, I snapped a couple of pictures of Spencer working on one of the cases in his new forensics lab. Very cool. I love the way their heads are bent together here, reading about the suspects.

And this is Paxton holding Leonard…

I am in love with this snake, and can’t believe we didn’t get one sooner.


Filed under Paxton, simplifying, Spencer, unschooling

Simplify, Simplify, Simplify

In his book Walden (one of my all-time favorites), Henry David Thoreau says, “Our life is frittered away by detail… Simplify, simplify, simplify!” With Thoreau in mind, along with my recent and nearly overwhelming sense of being suffocated by stuff, I have been slowly and systematically re-making my house and my life.

Ten years ago, we moved from Massachusetts to New Hampshire, and faced a long interim with a job but no housing. We eventually found and purchased a house, but of course the time between finding and closing was considerable. We stayed with my sister for awhile, stayed with my parents for awhile, and stayed at a campground for awhile. I’ve been thinking a lot about that tiny little camper we lived in… just us and a 2 year old Spencer. It was an undeniably stressful time (living in a state of limbo is a difficult thing to do), but it’s a time I’m remembering with increasing nostalgia.

It was just so simple. Mike would go off to work in the morning, and I’d have the day to spend with my boy. The camper just had the bare necessities, so it would take 20 seconds to have things clean and ready for the next day. We’d head outside as soon as we ate breakfast, and walk down to the playground. We’d draw in the sand, go down the slide, dawdle by the edge of the road and collect pine cones. We’d make a daily adventure out of going to the post office to get our mail. We’d make a campfire at night, and ate dinner on our laps.

We weren’t bombarded with phone calls and emails, with rooms and rooms of toys and books and old broken things that no one can even identify anymore. We washed our dishes by hand and never had to deal with a dishwasher that malfunctioned more often than it should.

We lived.

Life is good now, but it is so different from the way it was that I hardly recognize that young family in my mind. It’s been clouded with details. And surely this house, SO crowded with all these unnecessary things can’t belong to those same people?? I don’t want to live in a campground again – although I admit to some sincere fantasies about moving us all to a log cabin in the middle of nowhere – but I want to have that feeling again. I want to simplify.

“I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately, I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, To put to rout all that was not life and not when I had come to die Discover that I had not lived.”

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Filed under decluttering, memories, simplifying