Category Archives: eco

Worms, field trips, and some plans for the future

Yesterday morning, the kids and I went on a field trip that I haven’t been able to stop thinking about since.  It was actually only the first stop in one of those crazybusyexhaustingbutfun kind of days –  the kind that had us leaving the house at 9:00 AM and not returning until 6:30 PM – but it’s the stop that won’t leave my mind.

We toured a city home whose owners had transformed it into a sustainable, completely eco-friendly living space.   And it was awesome.  I will always hold out hope that we’ll have a nice piece of land again someday (sometimes it still befuddles me that a country girl like me wound up in a city the size of Phoenix, of all places) but yesterday’s tour reminded me that I don’t have to have a big chunk of land in order to make some huge – and hugely impactful – changes to the way we live.

On this less than 8,000 square foot plot, this family utilized:

They also had chickens; an outdoor shower; many edible, multi-functional and indigenous plants;  bee blocks;  a small greenhouse; rebar shade structures… and much more that I’m forgetting.  The entire space was careful and deliberately designed, and nothing – not so much as a drop of rainwater – was wasted.

All right there on this little plot, in a regular old neighborhood, right in the middle of a city.


I came home filled with ideas, and looking at our current housing situation with new perspective.   Lately we’ve been talking about the possibility of moving again (locally) and have been sifting through our options.  Unfortunately, because like so many millions of other Americans right now we are woefully underwater on our house, our options are few.   We’re starting at the only place we can start, by culling our clutter, organizing our finances, and getting the house ready for someone who will really love it.  When we do move (and I say “when” instead of “if” because I believe it will happen) if we can recreate even half of what this beautiful family has designed, I will be happy.


Filed under eco, field trips, inspirational, life, passions, pets, plans

Cleaning the Earth

Our very favorite thing to do as a family is to go out into the desert… driving, hiking, geocaching, exploring. Even just breathing in the air and drinking in the scenery. There is something so rejuvenating about it, something that makes the soul sigh and the heart smile. We love the desert.

Yesterday found us joining several hundred other like-minded valley residents for the third annual clean-up of Four Peaks.

We filled trash bag after trash bag,

trailer after trailer.

We picked up, loaded, drove, and deposited.

We stayed for hot dogs, and we stayed for the raffle drawing. Spencer won two off-roading DVDs (a more perfect prize for him could not have been), work gloves, and a Tread Lightly t-shirt.

And Everett won a Tread Lightly sweatshirt, conveniently sized big enough to fit his mother. He was thrilled to get it, as the sun was covered in clouds by that time, and he’d started to complain of getting chilly.

At the risk of repeating a long-held cliche, there truly is nothing quite like the sense of purpose and camaraderie you feel when you’re out in the earth, working with your hands, giving your time, and coming together for a common good. That there’s what life’s about.

Lest the day be too perfect though, there was just one minor “oops” with the trailer

…giving us a perfectly matched set.

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Filed under eco, family, projects